
Simplify 1 Responsive Blogger Template

Simplify Responsive Blogger Template This template is a modification of the N Light template that I previously shared with a minimalist display and fast page loading. For the premium version of this template I will combine it with the Simplify 2 template.

The following features are in the Simplify template

Google Testing Tool ValidatorTrueCheck
Mobile FriendlyTrueCheck
SEO FriendlyTrue
Dynamic HeadingTrue
Valid Schema.orgTrue
High CTRTrue
Personal BlogTrue
2 ColumnTrue
Auto Read More with ThumbnailTrue
Responsive Ad SlotTrue
Footer LinkTrue
Related Posts with ThumbTrue
Search BoxTrue
ShareThis Social Share ButtonTrue
Responsive Sticky NavigationTrue
Back to Top ButtonTrue
Unlimited Page NumberedTrue
Recent Post with ThumbnailTrue
Custom Contact Form WidgetTrue
Responsive Sitemap WidgetTrue
Live Preview
See it live with all the features that exist, both on the homepage and the page posts.
Remove Footer Credits
For Unlimited Domains
No Encrypted Scripts
And Many More...