New Line

New Line Responsive Blogger Template

New Line Responsive Blogger Template premium template that I will share this time is New Line . New Line already has features like templates that I've shared before, what is different from this template is that blogger's standard comments are replaced with comments from Disqus and already supports page navigation without restrictions on published posts.

This New Line template already supports features like the following

Google Testing Tool ValidatorTrueCheck
SEO FriendlyTrueCheck
Mobile FriendlyTrueCheck
Dynamic HeadingTrue
Adsense ReadyTrue
Valid Schema.orgTrue
High CTRTrue
Personal BlogTrue
Disqus Comment SystemTrue
2 ColumnTrue
Auto Read More with ThumbnailTrue
Responsive Ad SlotTrue
Related Posts with ThumbTrue
Search BoxTrue
Social Share ButtonTrue
Responsive Dropdown MenuTrue
News TickerTrue
Smooth Back to TopTrue
Custom Subscribe Box WidgetTrue
Custom Pop up Contact FormTrue
Sitemap WidgetTrue
New Style : Invision with 3 Color OptionTrue
Unlimited Page NumberedTrue
Well DocumentationTrue
Live Preview
See it live with all the features that exist, both on the homepage and the page posts.
Remove Footer Credits
For Unlimited Domains
No Encrypted Scripts
And Many More...

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